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Case Studies

CROPS, informed by previous activities that have successfully upscaled, will undergo a thorough screening process to identify citizen science initiatives that have the potential to upscale to the ERA level. This screening will be a user-centred, multi-stakeholder process, ensuring all relevant actors in citizen science activities are represented. 

The screening activities of CROPS will identify projects that currently contribute towards EU mission objectives, and the assessment process will be geared towards the upscaling of projects with potential synergies with the EU missions.

Below are examples of projects that have either successfully upscaled their activities in the past, or are being supported to do so by the CROPS project (sorted by EU mission).

Restore our oceans by 2030

Plastic Pirates

European wide roll-out

Added value of Europeanisation

Citizen science projects will only reach their full potential and maximum EU added value if implemented on a transnational and Europe-wide level. The European-wide roll out of the Plastic Pirates will allow sampling in rivers across Europe in a harmonised and standardised manner. It can 

  • massively extend existing data,
  • improve scientific understanding and knowledge
  • and, thus, help to develop systematic solutions for the prevention, reduction, and removal of marine and riverine pollution, particularly plastics.

Researchers across Europe will be able to draw on open and accessible data from existing European data portals, which would otherwise not be available.

If you are interested in joining and participating in the initiative, you can contact the Action’s coordinator DLR Projektträger: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cancer: working with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030

Adaption to climate change: support 150 European regions to become climate resilient 

A soil deal for Europe: 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030

100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030