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The CROPS team

CROPS integrates the expertise of six diverse and highly experienced European partners from academia, research organisations, charities, SMEs and social enterprises with complementary backgrounds, knowledge, and skills to achieve the project’s overall objectives.

Advisory Board

CROPS has reached out to networks and communities beyond the citizen science landscape to engage potential members of the advisory board. Each of the five Horizon Europe EU missions are represented, along with experts in the broader fields of interoperability, funding, policy and ethics.

In support of this approach the following initial members of the advisory board will give guidance to CROPS actions:

Dr. Liz Dowthwaite

University of Nottingham
Expert in RRI, ethics and youth and young people

Dr. Izzy Bishop

University College London
Water quality, aquatic monitoring and management

Dr. Lucy Bastin

Aston University
Spatio-temporal analysis for environmental and interdisciplinary challenges

Dr. Antonella Passani

T6 Ecosystems
Participatory research and practice, impact assessment, (social) Innovation processes, equality and social inclusion